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305-21 King St. W., Hamilton, ON, L8P 4W7
If you or someone you know has been arrested, the lawyer you choose to assist with bail could be one of the most important decisions you make during the case against you. It is far easier and more effective to represent your interests if you are granted bail. You usually have one opportunity to obtain bail. You need to be properly prepared before you conduct that bail hearing. It is better to be properly prepared for a bail hearing than proceed quickly before you are ready. Losing your freedom at a bail hearing can be detrimental to an effective defence.
What Bail Conditions Can I Expect?
Your bail conditions depend heavily on the nature of your purported crime and the circumstances around it. Some common bail conditions include:
A requirement that you live with your surety.
An absolute prohibition against contact or communication with the complainant and/or witnesses
A prohibition against attending at certain locations
A weapons prohibition
In cases involving more severe offences, terms may also include a curfew or house arrest.
How Long Will I Be on Bail?
The terms of bail remain in place and must be adhered to until your case is concluded. Depending on the nature of the charges and the direction your case takes, this means you could be on bail for a significant period of time. The terms of bail come to a conclusion if and when:
The charges are stayed or withdrawn
You plead guilty and have been sentenced
You are found guilty following a trial and have been sentenced; or
You acquitted following a trial
How Do I Prepare for My Bail Hearing?
An accused only gets one shot to secure release on bail. Subject to a successful bail review, if detained, you will be held in custody pending the disposition of your case, even though you may be innocent. Being held in custody while waiting for trial can make accessing resources and defending yourself more difficult. An experienced and prepared lawyer is critical to this crucial stage of the proceedings. Paquette Wilhelm, we have assisted countless clients in securing their release on bail with our experience, knowledge, and preparation. We work with you and your loved ones to create a strong release plan, attempt to negotiate your release on consent and advocate for your release during a hearing.
Breaching the terms of a court order, including a bail order, is a criminal offence. If you are caught breaching the terms of your bail, you will be re-arrested, charged with a further offence, and held in custody until you can secure your release again. You and your surety may also face an application to estreat the monies pledged to ensure your initial release.