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305-21 King St. W., Hamilton, ON, L8P 4W7
No matter the reason for your arrest or investigation, the law in Canada has provided you with certain rights and freedoms. Unfortunately, many individuals’ rights are violated by the misconduct of both police and government. At Paquette Wilhelm Criminal Lawyers, we offer reliable assistance to clients in search and seizure violations in Ontario. We are passionate about upholding the rights of those accused of crimes. Our criminal defence lawyers in Ontario take pride in their work in situations related to questions of legal search and seizure tactics, as well as Charter of Rights violations.
In order to justify a criminal charge, the police often employ search warrants, wiretaps, and other surveillance methods for evidence. They also use the seized property and other evidence to build the prosecution’s case against the charged person. Search and seizure activities are highly regulated, and the laws apply to all offences, including weapons charges, sexual offences, drug offences, and income tax evasion.
If you suspect that law enforcement officers have wrongfully interfered with your legal rights, call us. Our criminal defence lawyers will and thoroughly review your disclosure to determine if your rights were violated or if your property was searched illegally. At Paquette Wilhelm Criminal Lawyers, we will make every attempt to challenge the misconduct by the police and ensure your rights are upheld.
To discuss a search and seizure matter with our experienced criminal defence lawyer in Southern Ontario, contact us today.